Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Twelve steps to a practical union with Life

1. Know there is a God.

This decision impacted my life tremendously. There is a Creator. I was Created. There is a Creative Force, a Divine Reason, an Encounter of Love, occurring in the Universe. Logically, I was Created for Purpose, and to Know of my Creator.

2. Be Kind.

Every act of kindness I offer is an acknowledgement I choose to know of God's Love in the World. As I participate in a choice to be a decent human being, so is my life transformed.

3. Become a good observer.

Intentfully view your co-workers, your family members, your friends and loved ones. Who is beaming with happiness in their lives, and why? Who is focused on misery and strife? What is the outcome of these decisions?

Make role models of those who have already forged a path, and are demonstrating in the world how life can be meaningful.

4. Make spirituality an adjunct in your life, not the whole of your life.

I no longer find living a "spiritual" life or having "spiritual friends," to be keynote in my life. I once did. What I learned is this is a very ineffectual way of living. My life now centers around my career, my gifts and talents, my family, friends, and loved ones.

I no longer choose to fit the mold of any spiritual document, or any other individual's interpretation of what I encounter.

I am now free. I realize I have a mind to think, a heart to love, and feet to walk. I enjoy my life maximally.

Spirituality is an adjunct to my life. It offers me confirmation of what I have learned. It offers me remembrance of what I know; however, it does not direct what I do or say. My own logical and intuitive guidance is the foundation of my life.

Spirituality no longer replaces my direct relationship with God. I can read, study, or share with others. Yet, my relationship with God is paramount.

5. Pay attention to what gives meaning to your world.

I have gifts and talents, just as everyone does. I focus on what I have been given. In this way the rest of my life falls into place. As I focus on my own object of affection, my own inner passion, my own inner spark, so does my life and world make good sense.

6. Pay it Forward.

I gave directions to a woman in a center city train station last night. We spoke on the train for a while. I enjoyed her company.

I arrived at my station after dark, in very cold weather, with lots of deep snow everywhere. A man asked me for change to make a call. I let him use my cell phone in order to call for a ride. Then I decided to just take him to his home. We talked about God, his job search, and more. He gave me his email address, as he is a computer professional, and stated if I ever needed help to contact him.

He left a note in my glove compartment box, fixed to his email address. It said: Pay it Forward

7. Use common sense.

The errors of judgment I have made in my life were due to a momentary lapse in thinking through choices I made. Most life decisions can be successfully completed by simply thinking forwards as to the possibilities of any action or plan. I've learned a whole lot of time and expense can be saved this way.

Common sense and good reason are forefront in my life. I am a dynamic being. I Create my own life, and hold the power of choice.

I also allow time for relaxation, and rest. A hurried life isn't worth the effort it takes to keep myself spinning. Time is a gift I have been given, and if it isn't achieved this lifetime, there is the next.

I have also learned being motivated, with consistent, steady, approach, tends to be the way of accomplishment. In this way, even work is enjoyed beyond its initial goal.

8. A job is a worthwhile commitment.

Everyone I know who works full time seems to benefit from their decision. And I find stay at home Moms to be a full time job, btw. Even part time work is beneficial. Work tends to keep one's life in good order and perspective. I feel working at another location serves human potential more than working in one's home. The former requires more self-discipline in regards to working with other people, whereas the latter is about control. That said: I do understand concerns of childcare. I also well know of making excuses in life, too.

Overall, engaging my life in a specific direction with other people, in joined interest, contributes to my feeling of well-being.

9. Be selfish.

Every healthy choice I make in my life contributes to *everyone* around me. There is not a single rational, healthy, determination I make in my life, which doesn't benefit someone else. Being selfish, therefore, seems to actually be beneficial beyond my personal intentions.

10. Take personal responsibility.

I have become completely responsibile for my own life. This decision caused me to turn to wisdom, compassion, sympathy, and enhanced my relationships with family members, friends, and co-workers.

11. The past is a powerful tool.

I find the past isn't to be ignored, denied, or shut away. Past experience brought to the present, in mind and heart, can be used to end denial, addictive behaviors, co-dependent attitudes, and also to bring to life means and ways which really worked towards personal happiness, but were hampered somehow along the way.

I've returned to the past to reconcile what I have said and done, to rekindle family relationships, to remember past goals, to reflect on past feelings, and in summary, to become a more integrated human being.

I cannot possibly embrace today, unless I heal the past in my mind, which allows new ways of living, and assists in formulating answers to my questions today.

12. Live with what you have.

I know people who sit around waiting for Jesus Christ to write messages on their walls, when their walls are already full of messages. I know people who wait for direction from the Holy Spirit, when reams of directives have already been given. I know people who look to miracles for solutions to their problems, when miracles have appeared in multitude. I know people who seek that right relationship, when relationship with God is the answer to their prayers. I know people who want to be wealthy, but who live impoverished lifestyles. I know people who are dissatisfied with their lives, but find dissatisfaction more comfortable than change. And I know people who know exactly what they need to do, yet allow fear to keep them living self-imposed restrictive lives, which become more frustrating every day.

I arise every morning with exactly what I have. I use it to the best of my ability. I realize all I need is before me every day, and I am grateful and thrilled for another sunrise.


one who walks

Monday, December 12, 2005

blizzards, friendship and family, and Love, oh my!

Hello all,

Right now I am posting from my son's apartment in Newport, a mere block from the baptizmal waters of Peace and Surrender.

Wonderful time here, as I continue my extended winter vacation.

I'll be back on site :-) soon, and write more on this forum, along with my new sister webplace, which offers metaphysical viewpoints from inspired writers.

Thank You for now over 900+ views of this website. I am deeply Grateful.

The sister website surely proves to be exceptional, and I invite you to offer *your* thoughts for posting to a wider audience:

It's focus being *original thought.*

Much ever present Love, good times, and fun, as I continue my journey as A Teacher of God.


one who walks
