Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Response to Jon Mundy, Robert Perry, and Greg Mackie

In regards to the ongoing, and never ending, discontent with Ken Wapnick, now focused upon Gary Renard, I determined to make a response. It is easy to hide behind magazine covers. Jon, himself, refused to discuss this with me. Apparently Jon, Perry, and Greg, feel they hold a higher "intellectual" view of truth and wisdom, than someone who simply practices what she finds to be true. Their reason to discount Gary, as they deem to perpetuate their "Teacher of the Course" status, baffles me.

It is never about the "who" or the "message." It is always about finding someone as the next target for personal transgression. It's a means to release rage and anger. It's a telling for all we can do better.

The arguments against Gary will fade, as new fodder appears to tromp through, yet, I have also noticed that fewer and fewer are paying attention, and most are simply smiling, and returning to their study. A raised eyebrow of curiosity is just that. A fleeting look, and then a return to what is truly of value.

It has also been of interest to me to note the difference between those who speak of the Course, and those who practice the Course. And it isn't about interpretation, if there is a world or not, or if Mary was truly visited by an Angel, the burning bush was God, or masters appeared in Gary's life. It is about who and what is actually extending Love into the world, and clearly who is not.

I find the message Gary is presenting, although it seems few understand the underlying mystical consequences, is lightening shoulders, and warming hearts. And those outcomes are noticable in a world desperate to find a pathway out of toil and strife. Perfection of message isn't the point. The goal is allowing minds to expand, and confirm what people are experiencing is valid, regarding their own communications with the divine. Along with asking human beings to take a deeper look at what they for so long have found to be the foundation of their "logical" conclusions.

For me, I'm learning to make better choices. Why join with those who find their motivation and inspiration is only through confrontation? Why affirm to my brother his need to dump his guilt on his brother is worthwhile? Why make "teaching" an adventure in manipulation?

The battlefields will always exist. It is this kind of thinking that makes the war in Iraq. The Course arrived as a means of recognizance of truthful and meaningful existence, and God as Love in the world, NOT to determine through arrogance that egotistical venue should continue to be the mainstay of word and deed.

What is clearly being seen, though, is those who dig deep in egotistical venue are finding themselves in the bottom of a pit. Attempting to crawl out with signs of "liar," while they maintain they know the truth of the Universe, Love and God, is just another slippery ridge that needs to be climbed.

Those who choose to find Gary at fault can do so as temporarily as they please, but nothing is threatened overall, and the message will continue to be heard: Life is about more than the 3D projection, the illusional schemes of scientific evidence, and past philosophical belief systems, that some would have us believe. History is nothing more than an accounting of what men thought they perceived, and what is coming to Light is history needs to be re-written in terms of what is authentic, and what is not.

Using the past to attempt to discredit what as of yet is not clearly understood does nothing more than keep minds imprisoned, due to fearful decision, based upon lack of understanding, and denial of true perception of just what the Universe can, and does, deliver.

one who walks



Blogger Nathan said...

Hi Blogger extraordinare,

Mind boggling stuff. I for 1 was priveledged to listen to Jon Mundy's view on pal talk over the recent past. Just after he shared the five rules; 1 Do not hide. 2 Do not judge. 3 Do not attack. 4 Do not complain. 5. Do not defend, I noticed a dramatic shift from holiness, when Renard's name was called, to one where he gave a perfect example of defeating the five rules he was parrotting on about a tiny infinitesimal moment previously.

After his session on pal-talk I went into Beverly Hutchinsons site and read what one could only describe as absolute dia-tribe and the desperate call for diazepam, as the Course seemingly offered no relaxant to the 3 authors who's collective hate is only surpassed by Georgie Bush himselfless.

I know I'm perhaps doing the same as the 3 authors by giving power to there prognosis, but hey I'm trying to get home as you r girlfriend. And those who project there thoughts on those who r making my path straight and assisting me in clearing the obstacles before me, LEAVING NO STONE UNTURNED is also seemingly a hurdle I need to clear.

Williamson, Schucman, Thetford, Wapnick, Haskell, Napolean Hill, Renard, are authors/angels who have and still r guiding my soul to its GAURANTEED homecoming and no shift in perception by others is possible in God's plan for my salvation.

I am offering a beautiful quote I have purposfully been directed to read in this moment which perhaps sums up all of our illusions. It IS this;

"Who hangs an empty frame upon a wall and stands before it, deep in reverence, as if a masterpiece were there to see? Yet if you see your brother as a body, it is but this you do". acim textpg521 Amen

Warm in Thought

5:10 PM  
Blogger Nathan said...

I forgot to share Jeanette, Thanks for the laugh. And a great blog in my projected opinion? hahahahahahahaha

Warm in Spirit

5:18 PM  

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