Friday, March 10, 2006

A Holy different perspective on Special Relationships

As many students of A Course in Miracles will tell you a major obstacle on planet Earth is human beings who find certain relationships more "special" than others. One isn't to love one's own mother more than another, because doing so doesn't present an equality of love in the Universe, and having a romantic relationship, or dedicated relationship of intimacy isn't appropriate either, because doing so is an abomination to the body, as surely the body is to be denied.

This clearly is not the teaching of Jesus. The Course is either completely wrong in this declaration, or the interpretation of what the Course says has been used to make distance in relationships, so people who have had difficulty in relationship have an excuse not to engage any other.

The concept loving everyone the same and equally has replaced the Idea our hearts and minds are innately directed to those who enter our lives for good purpose and reason. Fear needn't be generated, resulting in erroneous definitions, because understanding has yet to arrive.

First, one must look at relationships metaphysically. We do travel lifetime to lifetime in groups, in families, of sorts, in order to enhance our learning experience on Earth. There is testimony after testimony in these regards in terms of Near Death Experiences, and also a higher perspective as to the hows and whys this occurs is contained within Michael Newton's works concerning _Life between Lives_.

Second, one needs to be an observer of his or her own relationships. There is nothing wrong with marriage, as example, as a chosen special relationship is made, or loving your own children, demonstrating this through the feeding, housing, caring for, and bonding, with one's own offspring, and yet, not having the same emotional and physical closeness with all people on Earth, or taking exactly the same care of every child on the planet. In other words, whatever degree of relationship one might have with another is certainly valid and honorable, yet denying relationships based upon a spiritual concept that one relationship is not more important than another presents a life design impossible, and also based on fear.

Third, it must be noted the primary reason for special relationships is learning, therefore, the value of intimate relationship, close friendship, family bonds, and levels of acquaintance-ship, only hold potential based upon by our own decision to explore possibilities, or make boundaries, as one looks for the exit sign due to fear. Varying degrees of love directed in a pyramid of relationships, some more close, others more distant, yet, each serving a purpose nonetheless.

All our relationships should be honored, equally; however, we also should regard our closest relationships as special, more valuable, more trustworthy, and where we learn more about ourselves. We become better beings through honest engagement, and in doing so, also generalizes our learning to the world. Hence we become more loving people, self-honesty leading the way.

Special relationships are good, holy, worthy, along with joyful, pleasurable, with the potential to increase our happiness, and enhance learning about who we are. And special relationships aren't limited to people. We might have a special, loving, communicative relationship with Nature, our Higher Selves, or God. Anything can be utilized for expression of emotion and feeling, which then leads to understanding the true character of our own Eternal Soul and Personality.

Raj, of The Northwest Foundation for A Course in Miracles, states that finding an object of your affection, and that might be a tree, a park, a friend, a painting, an intimate relationship, something you value in mind and heart, can actually uplift you from limited belief systems, widen your perspective, and teach you how heart over mind actually is a valid way towards personal introspection, resulting in an integration, which leads you to higher awareness and higher orders of thinking.

I feel this whole shenanigans that special relationships are wrong is perpetuated by people who fail in relationships, and so want the world to believe that anything special in their lives is wrong. Distance becomes the goal, a distorted defintion of special relationships the excuse. Closeness isn't always easy, but it is always better.

Relationships are difficult, at best :-), but what the true teaching of the Course is, karmic metaphysics demonstrates, and what truly works in life, is to have special relationships, yet simply learn to do better on encountering relationship in our lives, go deeper, and soar in feeling, which leads to soulful passion in all we do, thus, bringing ourselves to God. Allowing feelings also contributes towards ending denial. We learn to replace what we fear, with what we truly feel, and we walk through what has keep our heart from taking another chance with relationships and God.

For me, I hold special relationships high in my life and they have served me well. I have noted this above, on my blog, concerning my children, and also extend this to my family, friends, and co-workers, as well.

It isn't special relationships that are wrong, or in error, it is the way we behave in relationships which is wrong, or in error. And the result of recognizing this fact is we then have the opportunity for apologies, amends, and becoming even closer, through an understanding we needn't shun what is of value, due to past hurt or regret, but simply be willing to learn how accepting love in our lives, and improving our response to the world, is of benefit to everyone. And we can Thank God for those in relationship, who stay with us day and night, in order to love us, cherish us, as special in their lives, so that we can learn more about our purpose, function, and continue to explore our evolutionary spiritual transcendence.


one who walks


Anonymous Anonymous said...

....and love your neighbor as I have loved you;unconditionally. ....personally, I find that I can love people and even though I may fall short, I'm doing the best that I can. ........I'm suppose to do this stuff at my own pace. Because we all have percieved different perceptions in our life so far, we will BE different people and we will perform the unconditional part at our own pace.

6:13 AM  

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