Tuesday, August 30, 2005

an exploration of Goodness

I find it is true that if time and energy is used to unravel what is seemingly impossible to untangle, and then even moreso difficult to communicate, let alone, convince someone else your perspective holds honor, nothing is achieved accept for continuous thought at a specific level.

An exploration of Goodness, I feel, in my own life, is what has juxtapositioned my thinking, for the most part, allowing my thoughts to soar, my mind to expand, increasing my happiness, and allowing me resolution of the why of human experience.

When I think of Jesus, during the time he lived, people truly had faith if they touched his cloak they would be healed, if his eyes met theirs, they would sorrow no more, and if he approached them illness and death was shown the door.

And what these followers of this great man did, was simply explore Goodness, and have faith in what it can restore.

If my focus today, right now, is on the crickets song, the lovely blue sky, and the quiet rhythm of my fan, the knowing my heart is at complete rest and peace, and the hearing of an occasional bird's song, this does more for me than interpolative response to my world.

At work, a saving grace for me in the ER is simply to make an effort to actually enjoy space and time with a patient. To know this person as a Source of Love, and commonality in my life, and that there are no chance encounters. I savor the Moment.

Questions, I feel, about life should be asked. But, for me, I ask them in contemplative times with the Holy Spirit. I am convinced once the question is well formulated, it is because the answer has already been given. No question arrives in my mind, whereby the answer hasn't been specifically made available, as a clear thought in my mind. Thus, the whole purpose of the question itself.

Denial is a refusal to listen to the answer.

There is no need to grope around in the dark, no need to simply wait for the Holy Spirit's Voice, no need to simply float around in existence, instead a decision to be an effectual being in regards to an exploration of Goodness has outcomes, which not only transform a life to Life, yet, has the potential to blanket the world with Love's response.

Living isn't for the non-thinking mind, and a life not examined isn't worth living. Yet, it's the kind of thinking in my mind I find of value, which is making the difference. There are levels of thought, as stated by the Course, and also Master Thinkers. Staying in one place in regards to thought, attitude, and response, serves absolutely no good purpose. Jesus asks me to go beyond what meager thinking would have me do, and have some faith the Holy Spirit, as Guide, will always be present in my decision.

And it all begins with a decision to view what has worked, is working, and honestly appraising the outcomes in my life. If what I am doing today isn't causing my thinking to expand my mind in ways once thought not humanly possible, I need to rethink with whom I am associating, how I am spending my time, and what choices I am making, for it is these which are the determinators, as to whether I am exploring Goodness, or simply wasting time.

Goodness leads the way to an intelligence of a sort, which has nothing to do with being well-read, but an intelligence spoken in the Book of Record, and heralded by Jesus, as the way to personal Atonement, and perhaps even more. Creativity arises from this intelligence, and the way I am finding this is through a decision for concerted effort with Goodness. I don't demand perfection of myself; I have made a decision for walking in the right direction, however.

Functioning in the world yet not of it, for me, is about focusing on this exploration, and then, all the rest of my life comes to mind in perfect perspective, all in good order, and everything easily accomplished.


one who walks


Blogger Enocia Joseph said...

Hi J,

You wrote:

Goodness leads the way to an intelligence of a sort, which has nothing to do with being well-read, but an intelligence spoken in the Book of Record, and heralded by Jesus, as the way to personal Atonement, and perhaps even more.

Reminds me of an article I read in some magazine a few days ago. They had a list of the top 10 celebrities considered "illiterate." These were people who are very successful in their fields. Just because they say they are not into books, they've been labelled as stupid. Intelligence is way beyond the human mind and what is written in books.

I love books and reading but I also know there are other ways to access knowledge. Music is one way.

Enjoyed reading this piece, J.

Love EJ

9:01 AM  

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