Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Response to Jon Mundy, Robert Perry, and Greg Mackie

In regards to the ongoing, and never ending, discontent with Ken Wapnick, now focused upon Gary Renard, I determined to make a response. It is easy to hide behind magazine covers. Jon, himself, refused to discuss this with me. Apparently Jon, Perry, and Greg, feel they hold a higher "intellectual" view of truth and wisdom, than someone who simply practices what she finds to be true. Their reason to discount Gary, as they deem to perpetuate their "Teacher of the Course" status, baffles me.

It is never about the "who" or the "message." It is always about finding someone as the next target for personal transgression. It's a means to release rage and anger. It's a telling for all we can do better.

The arguments against Gary will fade, as new fodder appears to tromp through, yet, I have also noticed that fewer and fewer are paying attention, and most are simply smiling, and returning to their study. A raised eyebrow of curiosity is just that. A fleeting look, and then a return to what is truly of value.

It has also been of interest to me to note the difference between those who speak of the Course, and those who practice the Course. And it isn't about interpretation, if there is a world or not, or if Mary was truly visited by an Angel, the burning bush was God, or masters appeared in Gary's life. It is about who and what is actually extending Love into the world, and clearly who is not.

I find the message Gary is presenting, although it seems few understand the underlying mystical consequences, is lightening shoulders, and warming hearts. And those outcomes are noticable in a world desperate to find a pathway out of toil and strife. Perfection of message isn't the point. The goal is allowing minds to expand, and confirm what people are experiencing is valid, regarding their own communications with the divine. Along with asking human beings to take a deeper look at what they for so long have found to be the foundation of their "logical" conclusions.

For me, I'm learning to make better choices. Why join with those who find their motivation and inspiration is only through confrontation? Why affirm to my brother his need to dump his guilt on his brother is worthwhile? Why make "teaching" an adventure in manipulation?

The battlefields will always exist. It is this kind of thinking that makes the war in Iraq. The Course arrived as a means of recognizance of truthful and meaningful existence, and God as Love in the world, NOT to determine through arrogance that egotistical venue should continue to be the mainstay of word and deed.

What is clearly being seen, though, is those who dig deep in egotistical venue are finding themselves in the bottom of a pit. Attempting to crawl out with signs of "liar," while they maintain they know the truth of the Universe, Love and God, is just another slippery ridge that needs to be climbed.

Those who choose to find Gary at fault can do so as temporarily as they please, but nothing is threatened overall, and the message will continue to be heard: Life is about more than the 3D projection, the illusional schemes of scientific evidence, and past philosophical belief systems, that some would have us believe. History is nothing more than an accounting of what men thought they perceived, and what is coming to Light is history needs to be re-written in terms of what is authentic, and what is not.

Using the past to attempt to discredit what as of yet is not clearly understood does nothing more than keep minds imprisoned, due to fearful decision, based upon lack of understanding, and denial of true perception of just what the Universe can, and does, deliver.

one who walks


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

On Being FOR:

(from a recent dialogue)

I agree with you as to feeling.

I was talking on the phone last night, at length, to someone in regards to how specific circumstances and people make me feel. That is, in regards to feeling totally encompassed by Love and God. And the who and the what which arrived my way was the surprise. And we were talking about this for considerable time.

And as an aside, Life is a surprise, isn't it? I kept returning to the word coincidence, and he kept correcting me stating "synchronicity."

Feeling seems to be the pathway, in as much in our human endeavor we are often led to believe that intellectual interrogation is the way. I do disagree. It doesn't take intelligence to know the Love of God. And in following a choice to Feel, we intensify the Love within. The Love begins to radiate, generalizing itself to all around us, thus, mountains are moved, and the dead do rise.

As far as your comments in regards to personal expression, and how your thoughts and feelings are received, this is what I have learned: Constantly being in environments whereby argumentative AGAINST is the foundation, instead of having the feeling of being with and FOR, doesn't do me any good. And it doesn't matter how many people join in your decision to be AGAINST, the fact still stands you are simply banging your head against the same proverbial wall. You can't win, because there is nothing in this decision to win, other than some temporary glee on egotistical attempt to take minds hostage, and egotistical determination to see the sparkle in your brother's eyes temporarily go dim.

No wonder there is still war. Humanity still has yet to learn.

You know, it is really easy to live life based upon opposition, and more difficult to demonstrate an existence based upon decisions For. The former is easily demonstrated in jargon and behavior to make the ego feel superior, and the latter is about humility for God.

The intensity of what I have encountered of recent has validated the above for me. I spent waaay too much time attempting to explain me to other people, and waaay too little time demonstrating a FOR pathway of how I have learned to know of God.

Will people still attempt to do me wrong? (smiling) Yes. Will the aggravations of the world continue? Most probably. Will I still feel that I want to engage in the battle of attempting to have others see it my way? Most likely. But, a decision that if people want to squabble, attempting to egotistically self-elevate themselves on the grievous decisions they have made about other people, no longer suits me, as I realize there is nothing I can do about it. People who have chosen a way of life based upon interrogating someone with goal of making the individual feel inferior, miserable, and less than a Child of God, will no longer be recognized in my mind as serving any kind of good purpose.

What I can do is shine my own Light. And that's why I intend to Do. Stronger and Stronger. It feels mighty fine.

So, hugs yes. They are indeed nice. But there is more, much more. And it has to do with allowing the mind to be purified, and nurturing an intensity of Thoughts of God so powerful, that egotistical intellectualism is transformed to Intellectual Community with God, so to speak. And by "Community," I mean joining with those who feel a relationship with God, and who choose a view above the battleground, is the way to take Love's flight.

one who walks


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The fine lines between feeling "orphaned," "blissninnyhood," and Strengthening a relationship with God

Hello all,

This message is inspired through an email conversation I recently had with someone. And I extend my Gratitude to this person.

First, a definition of being "orphaned." Orphan is a term Raj has been using frequently---as I do enjoy many of his commentaries---as feeling separated from God. This feeling of separation is the reason for egotistical perceptions not aligned with His Thoughts, and the outcome of projection in the world that is in opposition to the Joy and Happiness that is our birthright as Children of God. IOW, finding we are an "orphan," leads us to reacting to the world egotistically, instead of in responding in accordance with His Will.

Blissninnyhood is a term utilized to mean an individual who speaks generously of God, yet, is often misunderstood by those who perhaps feel a pathway towards spiritual development should include hardship and suffering.

On Strengthening a relationship with God we choose to find God exists, He has the ability to affect our hearts and minds, and His Communication is available for our choosing to Listen.

How to function in the world on making a decision for a spiritual life is the question.

Without question an outcome of spiritual progress is more happiness, more forgiveness, and less difficulty in life. We do reach a point where we gleefully define ourselves as "blissninny," yet not meaning a superficial response to the world, yet a sincere one. However, the observation of others in regards to our "blissninnyhood," is that we are too simplistic, and do not see the world for the problems, and trials and tribulations, it holds.

Jesus teaches not to deny the world. He also teaches to re-kindle our relationship to God. He also teaches that the happy dream is part of the journey with the Course.

So, what to do in response to those who find our happiness and success is a measure of not an authentic lifestyle, yet a pretense for simply being a "blissninny?"

My advice, ignore it.

Any spiritual path is between ourselves and God. Our radiance shines through our authenticity. Allowing our inner flame to grow is the nature and means of our progress.

People will find fault no matter what you do. So best to simply follow your inner Voice, your Guide(s), and make decisions according to your own observation and contemplation as to what you will Do.

Ending feelings of being "orphaned" from divinity, while we choose God again and again in our lives, and concurrently try to explain the fine lines of why we feel as we do, is an unnecessary and burdensome task. Demonstrations FOR always are more fruitful than arguments AGAINST regardless of topic or experience. As example, I cannot explain to you why I do not involve myself with politics, but I can demonstrate to you the love I have for being an advocate for patients in the Emergency Room.

I have always found trying to live up to someone else's standard is fruitless. While we entertain the concept of being understood, explain and explain again and again, and still feel we are not being heard, we have wasted time and effort that could have been directed in developing our gifts and talents, and affirming our relationship with God. Not to mention being the recipient of warm hugs from those who choose to accept us as we are. :-)

one who walks
