Saturday, September 23, 2006

Smile . . . Seriously

I've learned through my extensive work as a ER nurse what is quite healing for people, along with careful attendance to regimes of treatment, are simple acts of kindness. A smile literally lifts not only the spirit of the one who delivers this happy thought to the world, yet, it also directly affects the individual for whom eyes meet, and a smile is delivered. And it immediately translates into every language.

Think about it. If we took the task upon ourselves each day to deliver a smile to others, sincerely, with an intent of Gratitude, wholeheartedly, in desire to know God through this simple act of Joyful unity, what miracles might arise?

Re-defining our relationship with the world, as being an individual baptized in mind and heart in relationship for God---the Course would call the role a miracle worker--- as a conduit for connectivity between God, our brother, and ourselves, seems a worthy trinity.

How many people do you know who spend their days in misery? Or recounting the past in relation to trials and tribulations? Or even ask us to join in some long story of yesterday of how their life was troubled, their body ill, or all the difficulties they encountered, making you feel they want you to join them in their pathway of suffering?

What a smile can do, delivered in the Joy of decision to know God in the world, is generalize itself in magnificence, and be catalytic for healing for everyone.

If we are choosing Excellence for ourselves, the way this is given as a Gift to our brothers, is finding a modality that truly works for being a catalyst to offer miracles in the world.

What does a smile do?

It transcends distance for one. You smile at a stranger on the street, you immediately feel closer, and more as One.

It speaks of a willingness for friendship, and Love in the world. It offers a gateway for further communication.

It makes you personally happy, having made a decision to join with what is your innate birthright as a Happy Child of God.

Yet, it goes further. And the reason is because offering a smile, a heartfelt, "I know you exist," kind of communication can linger in the heart and mind of the brother you gave this gift, and actually have an effect on the thoughts your brother carries in his heart and mind right Now.

I make it a habit, as I walk through hospital hallways, seeing families, and patients, in the ER, to offer them a smile, a face of Gratitude, a communication of Love, a demonstration of willingness to validate their existence in the world.

A smile is magical, transformational, and is the beginning of rising both our thoughts and our brothers beyond our limiting judgments and grievances. It is an act of kindness, yet has the ability for forgiving all we held in mind with a re-newed determination for Love, gentleness, and compassion.

But mostly, it recognizes our brother as ourself, except in time. We have been where our brother has walked, we have endured his suffering, we have known of the heartache, we have often chosen loneliness. The feeling of being orphaned can be gone!

We can change all that for ourselves and our brother in a single act: A smile. The smile refuses to re-live the past, it, if only for a Moment, brings us both in the Now, and it offers a gateway towards forgiveness of all thinking, allowing Thoughts of God and Love to dominate the mind.

This choice for a single, deliberate, demonstration of Faith can be contagious. We can pass it on, and teach others to do the same, by being a witness for happiness in the world.

So, don't ask me to join you in your deliberations over past woes, or determinations that trials and tribulations are the way to grow. The Now is a powerful Moment, and a well delivered smile, generalizes Love in the world, with potential of personal and individual transformation, beyond our seeming simple decision to give our brother a broad smile.

An Act of Love. A choice to extend kindness. And a refusal to hear the yesterdays of someone who needs to be gently lifted to the Idea there is a way, and that is, through decision to join in the Now in this simple act of forgiveness.

One who walks,


Monday, September 04, 2006

The Final Judgment

Without question life is a process of continuation. Death is merely a change of costume, of form, and the learning continues. At specific hallmarks in our life we are asked to look upon our past thoughts and actions in regards to how we find ourselves in the Now. Our hearts review our choices, and our minds deliberate on just how we have spent our time.

Spiritual information teaches The Final Judgment isn't a time whereby God decends upon us with his punishment for our wrong doings, yet a time when we have an opportunity to elevate our minds to higher orders of thinking.

And what are higher orders of thinking? These are thoughts joined with God in circumstance yielding Understanding, as a result of our contemplation.

Not one moment of our lives is ignored in life review. Although metaphysical teaching suggests our past is something we needn't relive in accords with our reactions, emotions, and/or pain, it is a gateway to exploring our Now. We can, indeed, with the divine's help, re-live our experience absent need to re-enter into the emotional states we felt imprisoned us before.

During specific intervals in our lives, when we choose immense change, or accept a higher Calling to go further and completely change our experience, we are given an opportunity to commune with the divine so that our past becomes healed in the Now, absent its denial.

The importance of this is spiritual progression. It is a going forth by using what we have learned in order to do better. And clearly it is a part of our wakening.

In our daily lives this is relevant because as we allow an end to denial, we can become more inwardly honest, more introspective, and seek to become a more whole human being. We can choose to join with God in His Will for us. And The Final Judgment can be a continuing experience of inner healing, resulting in an Understanding there is no death, no separation from God, no time, and simply a forward journey of acceptance, re-indentifying with who we are, and asking for help whenever we momentarily lose perspective of it all.

Life is precious. It isn't a time for egotistical ploy, games, or attempting to utilize what God has given in destructive or dishonest venue. It is a time to enjoy, embracing all that is God, and learning. On making the right judgments with the Holy Spirit, we then enter as _A Course in Miracles_ suggests a portal, the Holy Instant, where our experience is exchanged for the revelatory gifts of knowledge, Understanding, and a deepening knowing of what life is all about.

With practice, our world and our prior focuses begin to vanish, and as Raj teaches, the Real World begins to expand in its place. Thus The Final Judgment leads us from ilusional thinking to what is truly of value, and the divine waits at the gate to help us take the final entry into Heaven.

One who walks,


Friday, September 01, 2006

My purpose is my relationship with God

I've learned that if I am asked to do more than what I feel to be my share to simply do it.

If there is stress around me to ask God to invoke a peace within me.

When circumstances seemingly appear overwhelming to ask Jesus to clear the way for me.

And all the time, keeping my eyes focused on God, my true Source for Energy, authentic Communication, and Motivation, to follow in whatever direction He is sending me.

I gave up on systems long ago. They do not work. I Now find simply realizing my existence is not about systems, but who I meet along the way. My interaction with whomever is sent to me in my day should be the focus of my attention.

In other words, it doesn't matter where I am, or what I am doing. I cannot make sense of a hectic world, or illusional frames of time and space, nor am I asked to. What I can Do is simply be a conduit for God in whatever circumstance arrives my way. Any experience can be literally transformed through my decision. The busy becomes quiet. The entanglements are set free. The crazyness becomes sane.

It is all determined by my decision to keep my thoughts aligned with His, or give into illusional experience. Sometimes I am asked to walk where angels fear to tread, other times present me with venues to test my faith, and further still, I find myself in the middle of chaos, realizing the only answer resides in a choice to see my role in chaos completely different than I chose before.

There are no accidents, only synchronicities. So it doesn't matter if I am walking along the docks here, or working in the ER, or at a gas station, or having dinner with a friend. It simply is where I am supposed To Be, maximizing my understanding of forgiveness, as I realize my Strength resides in God.

My relationship with God has become my sole purpose, and through this, I am seeing and functioning in the world wholly differently.


one who walks